Digit.Photo & Imag. | Exercises: Hearst Mansion
|| 28/05/24 – 03/06/24 (Week 5)
|| Liau Kah Man, 0339084
|| Digital & Photography Imaging
|| Week 5: Digital Photography. Masking, Scaling, Color Match.
Seven principles of poster design.
Slides 1.1.1 Lecture of Digital Photography and Imaging (DPI), Week 5 (28/05/2024).
Slides 1.1.2 Lecture of Digital Photography and Imaging (DPI), Week 5 (28/05/2024).
CROP subject.
- Method 1. <Delete background> (2024 method).
- Method 2. Magic Wand/Quick selection tool (Ctrl+W).
- Step 1. Color matching. Select your layer > Image > Adjustments > Match color.
- Step 2. Add shadow using brush. Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur.
- Step 3. Add reflection. Ctrl+T. Tweak details, e.g. remove the leg part. Pen tool, select the areas to keep > At Paths box, Load paths as a selection (third icon) > At Layers box, Layer masks.
- Step 4. Reflection image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast. Gaussian blur. Hue/Saturation.
- Step 5. Add noise = Filter>Noise.
- 🔥Naming. Learn to name your layers.
- 🔥Zoom = <Ctrl+> +
- 🔥Move = <Spacebar> + hold
Photoshop Shazam into Hearst Mansion.
Photoshop yourself into Hearst Mansion.
Adjusted the size, color, brightness and sharpness (Gaussian blur) of the subject and reflection by comparing to their surroundings.
Figure 2.2.1 Compilation of Shazam appearing in different places using Imgflip, Week 5 (29/05/2024).
As another extended exercise, we are required to photoshop our own photo into the Hearst Mansion. Photos are taken by considering the angle (eye-level) and light (good lighting).
Figure 2.2.2, Figure 2.2.3, Figure 2.2.4 Photos of me, Week 5 (31/05/2024).
Figure 2.3.5 Blending in with shadows and colors, Week 5 (31/05/2024).
Now, edit in the second me. Currently adjusting my reflection on the water, which made me realized the difference of effects between brightness and exposure, see figures below.
Figure 2.2.6, Figure 2.2.7, Figure 2.2.8 The differences of effects between brightness and exposure, Week 5 (31/05/2024).
Figure 2.2.6 When brightness is reduced, only the darker part is reduced, the white part remained, making it very bright like a highlight.
Figure 2.2.7 When exposure is reduced to 0, the image is completely black.
Figure 2.2.8 Adjusted the subject using exposure settings until it looks suitable.
Now, the reflection appears well blended in, but the problem lies in its lack of realism. The old method of simply flipping the image isn't suitable here because the subject is close to the water's edge, but not submerged. To achieve a convincing effect, we need to show a reflection near the feet as well. Efforts have been made to achieve that --- a lot of cutting and pasting.
Figure 2.2.9 The number of tweaks to complete this reflection is insane, Week 5 (31/05/2024).
Next, I decided to add another me.
Figure 2.2.10 Size adjustment of third subject by comparing the height of the other human subjects and the light pole, Week 5 (31/05/2024).
Problem. After removing the background of the subject, the arm appeared "incomplete", as it was previously blocked by the balcony fence (refer Figure 2.2.4).
Solution. #1 Find a spot that the subject and lean on and block the incomplete part (in this situation not feasible as there is nothing much to lean on in that position and height). #2 Draw.
Proceeds with Solution #2.
Figure 2.2.11 Reference for the crease on the sleeves, Week 5 (31/05/2024). Source: Not on the High Street.
It's hard to find the perfect reference. Nonetheless, it's quite apparent that the creases are stretching horizontally and in 40° from the elbow.
Figure 2.2.12 Before and after drawing the sleeves, Week 5 (31/05/2024).
Figure 2.2.13 Adding shadows and Gaussian Blur it, Week 5 (31/05/2024).
Found another way to create shadow:
Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options > Blend Mode: Overlay > Opacity: 75% > Fill Opacity: 100%
Also rotated the subject to the left to reduce the look of leaning on something.
Figure 2.3.15 Final adjustments on the subject position, exposure, saturation, Gaussian blur, Week 5 (02/06/2024).
Figure 2.3.17 Carmen at three spots of Hearst Mansion, Week 5 (02/06/2024).
Figure 2.3.18 Carmen leaning at the dark walls of Hearst Mansion, Week 5 (02/06/2024).
Figure 2.3.19 Carmen sitting near the pool of Hearst Mansion, Week 5 (02/06/2024).
Figure 2.3.20 Carmen standing in the bright side of Hearst Mansion, Week 5 (02/06/2024).
Week 7
Figure 2.3.1:
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